Researchers have been researched on the Adoration of magi painting for 4 years. after 4 years they found out that part of the painting is invisible. in this post we take a look in this painting which painted by da vinci
No doubt you are familiar with adoration of the magi painting by Leonardo da Vinci.
Da Vinci apparently depicted in this painting the story of presence of 3 Zoroastrian-Iranian at the birth of Jesus Christ.
But many scholars believe that reality is something else, and Da Vinci drawed important issues In secret in this painting.
In 1481, Augustinian monks from the Monastery of San Donato Scopeto, ordered to 23-year-old Da Vinci to paint the story of 3 persian kings.
The young Da Vinci started working on the painting until he left for Milan a year later.
The image you see above is the Adoration of the Magi painting, drawed by Da vinci, which has been held at Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy since 1670.
But the painting is more complex than it appears at first glance.
In the middle of the painting, drawn the virgin and child that forming a triangular shape with 3 Maggies, who's kneeling in front of the child.
Behind them there is a semicircle of people with different moods. In the background on the left, you see a building being destroyed. And some of the cavalry in front of the building are fighting.
The main theme of this painting is about the 3 Magis, the Virgin and the Child. But why does Da Vinci includeed other subjects in this painting, that are not included in the story of the birth of Jesus Christ?
Antonio Natali former Uffizi Gallery director says the building and the battle in front of the building refer to the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple which according to the Bible, Jesus had already promised that this temple will be destroy. Mark 2-1-:13 , Luke 6-5:21
But some scholars believe that the ruined building refers to the Basilica of Maxentius, which, according to a medieval legend, the Romans claimed that it would be destroy when a baby born of a virgin.
This basilica is thought to have collapsed on the night of Jesus' birth.
The existence of a lotus at the top of the pillars, that is a symbol of ancient Rome, can give credence to this statement. And of course the palm tree among these ruins that symbolized the Roman Empire.
Researchers say, using a palm tree in this painting, can have two meaning. The first one is from the Gospel, that states that the palm tree was helpful for Virgin Mary at the jesus birth.
And the second, given that the palm tree was a symbol of the Roman Empire, and also of Remembrance that Constantine the Roman emperor, gave power to Christianity in the second century AD, can be concluded that although Da Vinci was 22 at the time, but he has had critical to the power of the church at that time.
But the tree that is right behind the Virgin Mary. This tree is called the life tree. To the left and right of this tree you see a teenage girl and boy.
These two are Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene.
Yes you heard right.
The same Mary Magdalene as Da Vinci's contemporaries claim to have been the wife of Christ and in fact Jesus Christ has been painted twice in this painting.
And behind them you see a knight.
The same knight who has always been on a mission from Priory of Sion to protect the generation of Christ
According to experts, Da Vinci once again declared his protest like the Last Supper mural in the form of art.
As you can see, the boy's hand is on the life tree, and it is a sign of eternal life; And his other hand points to the future, which the commentators believe points to his generation and Mary Magdalene.
But the girl's hands, or Mary Magdalene's hands, are as if she were in prayer, But she actually depicts the womb of a woman whose child fits into it.
There is also a war going on behind the scenes.
That is reference to the covenant that was the pin of kings and prophets before Jesus Christ.
That they broke the treaty, and now the war is giving way to peace.
A researcher named Seracini, with the Swiss Calpa group which consisting of leading scholars, they have been researched on the painting for 4 years. During this time, they took and studied 2400 infrared images of this painting, and finally achieved amazing results.
To the right side is a painted cow and donkey that was invisible for 500 years.
There is also a part of the roof that was hidden for 500 years.
And on the right shoulder of the Virgin Mary appeared an old man with a bell
And elaborate figures of people appeared in the lower left corner.
But there is a picture of someone who might make Da Vinci fans happy.
This young man who turned his face away is none other than the young Da Vinci.
According to the researchers, Da Vinci has drawn himself into the painting.
And he with turning his head away - once again protesting, in the form of art, what was forbidden in the Renaissance.
Many scholars, before the hidden parts of the painting appeared, thought that the young boy is Saint John the Baptist. Video: this person is John the Baptist.
Because he's finger is pointing to up and Da Vinci's latest painting was Saint John Baptist, which depicting the famous John Baptist gesture.
This gesture can be seen in some of his paintings, most notably The Last Super.
But then it turned out that it is correct that Da Vinci not painting St. John in the painting, but his finger is always visible.
Pay attention to the exact position of this finger
Many scholars, before the hidden parts of the painting appeared, thought that the young boy is Saint John the Baptist. Because he's finger is pointing to up and Da Vinci's latest painting was Saint John Baptist, which depicting the "famous John Baptist gesture".
This gesture can be seen in some of his paintings, most notably The Last Super.
But then it turned out that it is correct that Da Vinci not painting St. John in the painting, but his finger is always visible.
Pay attention to the exact position of this finger.
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