

The Lost Civilization of Man

A way to align the chakras

Spirituality,Meditation,Chakra,Third eye,

If you feel you are silent but can not find the reason, you should think about aligning your chakras. There are seven chakras or seven spiritual centers in our body that relate to our emotions and actions. Aligning the chakras in a healthy way helps balance our energy and optimize our performance. Meditation, along with proper nutrition, in harmony with other spiritual works such as yoga, contributes to spirituality in the present, awareness and enlightenment. There is a special diet to balance each chakra.

Cells are the most basic units of life, and we are made up of trillions of cells. How these cells work is beyond our imagination. Each cell is a complex structure that can survive, grow, reproduce, and die on its own. Each cell is made up of smaller units called organs. And the most important organ is the nucleus. The nucleus is the brain of the cell, that is, it controls all the functions that the cell performs. The nucleus can do this because it contains DNA. DNA is the genetic design of a cell that contains all the information necessary for the survival, growth, proliferation and death of cells that is inherited from the cell's parents. DNA is a double-stranded helix of four nucleotides that forms a code that tells the cell how to make all the proteins it needs. Billions of cells die every moment and new cells are replaced. But alternative cells from what? Yes, you guessed it. The food you eat. So it's important what we eat. In general, the food we eat should be alive, not dead. Live foods are those that have kept their enzyme, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouts. Eating live foods leads to a life without disease. Yes, you heard right. Dead foods are foods that have no enzyme. When we consume these foods, our body uses enzymes stored in the body. And when that extra quota runs out, our bodies start to get sick. Yes, the important thing is that enzymes are not produced in our body - what we have at birth is all we have from enzymes. Only then will it decrease unless we maintain it by using enzymatic foods. So I repeat that it matters what you eat.

Believe it or not, sometimes, different theories about the type of eating foods appear, and of course there are many people who follow those theories as a religion. The first thing to remember is that food is basically fuel. If you want to refuel your car, go to the gas station and choose the right fuel for this particular device to achieve the desired performance. You can put oil in the tank and drive, but it may smoke and need a repairman. The same is true of us humans. This means that in order to choose the right fuel, you must first know what kind of device you are. There is also a close relationship between the type of food you eat and the amount of sleep a person needs. In general, doctors recommend that everyone get at least eight hours of sleep. But if you sleep eight hours a night, that means you sleep for a third of your life. I do not know, I am Omid and for more than 10 years that I do not sleep more than 4 hours and I am healthy. One thing may have been misinterpreted: the body needs rest, not sleep. One of the most important factors in your sleep patterns is what type of fuel you inject into your system. If you put the wrong fuel in your car, it needs a lot of service. Similarly, if you put the wrong fuel in your system, you need a lot of sleep.

One of the most important things to keep in mind , you must stop eating in 2 spesific days in the lunar calender, or eat food that is easily digested, such as fruit. These two days are the eleventh day after the full moon and the eleventh day after the new moon. How many hours do you think it takes for food to be digested? 4 hours? 5 hours? 6 hours? Well, maybe it's better to study more . Because if you eat fresh fruit, it will be fully digested in 1.5 to three hours. If you eat cooked vegetable, it take twelve to fifteen hours to digest. If you eat cooked cereals and other foods, it takes twenty-four to thirty hours. If you eat cooked meat, it takes forty-eight to fifty-two hours. If you eat raw meat, it takes seventy-two hours to digest. When food stays in the system for a long time, it rots and causes unnecessary levels of bacteria. With such food choices, you are damaging the system. And then you will need medication. You need medicines because you produce toxins in yourself. Human nature may resist this change, but control your mind and walk in the path of radiant health. If you are one of those people who are probably 40% awake, try to reach 70%. The benefits will be seen, nothing to say. This is an experience that only you can feel. Now if you feel that you are silent but can not find the reason, you should think about aligning your chakras. There are seven chakras or seven spiritual centers in our body that relate to our emotions and actions. Aligning the chakras in a healthy way helps balance our energy and optimize our performance. Meditation, along with proper nutrition, in harmony with other spiritual works such as yoga, contributes to spirituality in the present, awareness and enlightenment. To balance each diet chakra, there are properties that we will name in the following.

1. The chakra located top of the head and called Crown Chakra that is connected to "enlightenment". What you should eat to engage more with enlightenment? Light fruits and vegetables that are connected to roots. Also, you can nourish your chakra with doing outdoor activities, drinking lot's of water and taking sun bath.

2. Chakra located between your eyes and above your brows which called Third Eye Chakra and it is connected to critical thinking and clarity. What you need to eat to nourish this chakra? Dark blue or purple foods like purple broccoli, kale, carrots, beans, eggplant and grapes .

3. Chakra located in the center of throat called Throat Chakra and it is connected to speaking, expression and voice. What you need to eat to support this chakra and express yourself truly? Light blue foods like berries that are full of antioxidant and figs ...

4. Chakra located in the center of the chest called Heart Chakra and it is connected to Love, Gratitude, Joy and compassion. How you can support this chakra to have a balanced heart? Green foods is the colour of this chakra like green vegetables, green fruits specifically apples and kiwis ...

5. Chakra located above the navel called Solar Plexus Chakra and it is connected to Self-esteem. How you can improve your personal power and know better who you are? Yellow foods like bananas, lentils, yellow bell peppers, lemons, oats ...

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6. Chakra located below the navel and called Sacral Chakra and it is connected to creativity, passion and commitment. What you need to eat to support this chakra? Dark orange fruits like orange, tangerine, mangoes, pumpkins, carrots, yams ..

7. Chakra located in the base of spine called Root Chakra and it is connected to security and feeling safe. How to support this chakra with your diet? Red colour is the colour of this chakra and you need to eat strawberries, raspberries, pomegranate, cherry. Red vegetables like beets and red bed peppers. Red meets ...

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