

The Lost Civilization of Man

Recipe No. 3 for The 2th Chakra: Berry Chia Pudding


This pudding has only 9 gr. fat, 13 gr. fiber, 6 gr. protein, 19% niacin, 24% Vitamin E and 18% Vitamin K and 27 gr. sugars.

What do you need to prepare this pudding?

- Fresh mixed berries: 3/4 cup
- Fresh blue berry: 3/4 cup
- unsweetened almond/soy milk: 1/2 cup
- chia see: 2 tea spoons
- pitted dates: 1
- pure vanilla extract: 1/4 tea spoon
- Ground Cinnamon: 1/4 tea spoon

How to prepare the smoothie? Very simple!

- Mix the milk, date, vanilla, blue berry and cinnamon in a blender.
- Pour the mix in a bowl/jar and stir it with chia seeds.
- Put the mix in the refrigerator for 20 mints
- Serve it with berries and cinnamon on top

Note: you can serve the pudding with any favorite topping like honey, notes etc. Also you can make the pudding one time with blue berries and another time without it. Then pour them in the bowl or jar separately and then add toppings.

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