

Spiritual awakening,Meditation,Astronomy,,

Types of mudras and their benefits

Have you noticed that you give your fingers a certain position in different situations? The fact is most people do not realize this because it is unconscious, but if you are filmed in different situations, you will see that your fingers have different positions. But what do you think this is for? In fact, you are an electric being and these different states are only for better control of that situation. Are you surprised? Yes, humans have both a dielectric field and a magnetic field, and that is exactly why I said that you are an electric being. In this regard, your fingers are electrical circuits that are connected to different systems of your body. When you place your fingers in a particular mudra, you are effectively aligning your body's dielectric and magnetic fields in a way that affects your physical and mental state. The practice of mudras provides a concrete way to tap into this complex web of connections, bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and modern science. It opens the door to a world where body and soul are intertwined, allowing us to harness our innate electrical nature in search of balance, power and enlightenment. In the following, I will introduce you to 9 important mudras.

Most viewed of: Spiritual Awakening

Types of mudras and their benefits

Have you noticed that you give your fingers a certain position in different situations? The fact is most people do not realize this because it is unconscious, but if you are filmed in different situat....

Decoding,Spiritual awakening,Astronomy,,

Increase your existential frequency with this method

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The Truth Behind Humanoid Reptilians

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The Effect of Different Sound Frequencies on The Human Body

We know that our world is made up of vibrations and frequencies that are defined for us by neural signals once they reach us. In fact, we use our six senses to engage with the world around us. General....

Decoding,Spiritual awakening,Astronomy,,

Two Tips to Activate Your Pineal Gland

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What is Kundalini Awakening and How to Wake it Up?

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Decoding,Spiritual Awakening,Astronomy,,

Patterns and their Impact on Human Life

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