

The Lost Civilization of Man

Recipe No. 2 for the 2th Chakra: Blueberry Coconut Smoothie


This smoothie is full of Fiber (11 gr.), Proteins(8 gr.), iron (30%), Vitamin C (69%). Vitamin B6 (34%), Vitamin E (33%), Vitamin K (25%). Niacin B3 (13%) and etc.

What do you need to prepare the smoothie?

- Blueberry: 1/2 cup
- unsweetened shredded coconut: 3 tea spoon
- Almond/soy milk: 3/4 cup
- Cauliflower florets: 1/2 cup
- Any original quick oat: 1/2 cup
- Ground Cinnamon: 1 tea spoon (optional)

How to prepare the smoothie?

- Add the coconut, oat, half of berries, cauliflower, cinnamon and milk into a mixer/blender for a minute
- Pour it in a bowl
- Add the rest of berries on top with any other favorite toppings.

Note: if you would like to make it less smooth, you can add more milk before serving to be drinkable.

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