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Biorythm + Biochart
Let calculate your birth day and time to know your biorythm circle
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Personal Characteris
This service tells you your traits by considering the position of the planets and constellations at the time of your birth in that geographical location.
Try now How it works?Ascendant
This service tells you your traits by considering the position of the planets and constellations at the time of your birth in that geographical location.
Try now How it works?Type of spiritual Yogas
There are many types of Yogas in astrology, where each Yoga can result in different effects on a person's life, such as prosperity, success, hardships, relationships, or spiritual growth.
Try nowPhysical Yoga & exercise
This service tells you the most suitable yoga exercises according to the position of the planets at the time of your birth and can teach you yoga at the same time.
Try now How it works?Numerology Table
This service tells you your traits by considering the position of the planets and constellations at the time of your birth in that geographical location.
Try nowLive Astrology
Discover your personalized daily guidance with live astrology homepage! Get your horoscope, lucky numbers, yoga and meditation insights, biorhythm analysis, solfeggio frequencies tailored for today and more, all in one place
Try now How it works?Kundali matching
This service helps you find out if you are compatible with someone you want to marry
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