

Research,Research,Mithraism ,,

Chemtrails - Fact or Hoax

What is happening to the sky? Those vast expanses of blue are now filled with cotton clouds. What if I told you that the blue sky you grew up with is now a rare thing. Have you ever noticed yet? Just look up? The sky that you see today is made up of foggy clouds. Do you want to know what s going on up there?

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Research,Leonardo da Vinci,Mithraism ,,
Lost Secret of Da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci s paintings have long been a mystery to everyone. In this article, we are going to discover ....

Historical,Mummy,Mithraism ,,

Lady Dai the world most preserved mummy

Believe it or not, the world must Preserved mummy was found in Mawangdui, China. While her face is swollen and deformed, her skin is still soft, and there is no sign of hard moritis....

Historical,Saltman,Mithraism ,,

Ancient Salt Men Discovered in Iran

A mans mummy was discovered in a salt mine in Zanjan province in Iran in 1993. Upon further exploration, 5 other mummies were found, one of which was a woman and the other a young boy.....

Historical,Renaissance,Mithraism ,,

What is the reason for drawing this strange painting?

A sixteenth-century painting on oak. This painting is full of miniature images of men, women and children and animals doing a series of weird and unusual things. In this painting; You see some re....