

Lifestyle,Food and health,,,

Green Smoothie (CLACS) brings freshness and vitality to your body and skin

If you are a person who suffer from bloating, bad digestion, constipation, Persistent fatigue that decrease your daily activities and increase the percentage of fat and cholesterol of your body, we highly recommend you to try this green smoothie as it detox your body and removes all your concerns about the mentioned signs of an unhealthy body. For sure, consistency in using the smoothie is important to see the results.

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Mystery,Leonardo da Vinci,Leonardo da Vinci,Leonardo da Vinci,Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo Da vinci, The secrets of the Adoration of the Magi

Researchers have been researched on the Adoration of magi painting for 4 years. after 4 years they found out that part of the painting is invisible. in this post we take a look in this painting which ....

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Why and how the Eiffel Tower was built

There are many places in the world that we are familiar with but do not know much about them. For example, do you know that there is a cellar below the French town of 300 square meters full of skeleto....


Do you know why the hotels don t have the room 420?

Many people have gone to hotels to stay or work or to celebrate marriage,   But have you ever tried to book Room 420 in any hotel in the world? If you want, you usually can t. Do you know why?....


The story of the man who sold the Eiffel Tower twice

In the 1925, Victor Lustig invited four French great iron merchants to a private meeting at the Hôtel de Crillon.   The hotel was well known for its diplomatic and important appointments.   In fa....