

Most viewed of: Research
Is time travel possible?

No doubt you have seen many movies and stories about time travel. And you have even come across topics that ar....

Decoding,Leonardo da Vinci,Astronomy,,
There is a real da Vinci code

It is said that there is a mystery of the Last Supper of Christ that Da Vinci knew and brought in the Last Sup....

What is The Blue Beam Project?

Canadian journalist Serge Monast spent a lot of time researching a secret project, and finally in 1994, two ye....


Breaking the body aging code and reversing the aging process

If you had an algorithm that could give you perfect health, would you be willing to say yes to this protocol? Well, you might say that we can never break the rules and patterns of this world. Yes, app....


Black Stone, The most mysterious stone in the world

In Mecca, pilgrims engage in a special ceremony, one of which is to circle the Kaaba 7 times counter-clockwise. But apart from this, each of them tries to reach and touch a mysterious object. It is a ....


Chemtrails - Fact or Hoax

What is happening to the sky? Those vast expanses of blue are now filled with cotton clouds. What if I told you that the blue sky you grew up with is now a rare thing. Have you ever noticed yet? Just ....


The Truth Behind Humanoid Reptilians

Have you ever heard that reptiles live among us? Have you ever heard that they run the governments of the world? But, have you ever thought that maybe you yourself are one of those reptiles?....


The Effect of Different Sound Frequencies on The Human Body

We know that our world is made up of vibrations and frequencies that are defined for us by neural signals once they reach us. In fact, we use our six senses to engage with the world around us. General....


What is Kundalini Awakening and How to Wake it Up?

You are neither your body nor the life force in it. You are the consciousness that precedes both. But your true self, is the lowest part of who you are now. So we use the life force (cosmic energy) as....